Welcome to Bliss & That…  I’m Kasey, the owner and principal designer for Bliss Wedding & Event Design.  We are a wedding planning and event design firm in Columbus, Ohio.  I hope you’ll take some time and read through the posts.   Bliss & That is full of great information that we’re excited to share.  We love designing, everything weddings and all of the fun things in between.  Blogs are conversations, we love to hear what you have to say, so don't be shy!...  Please leave us a comment (or two) and we’ll chat!  Thanks so much for visiting!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Zoe Report: The Great Gatsby Bride

So, I get an email earlier this week from none other than the Zoe Report office....for those of you who watch the Rachel Zoe Project are probably familiar.  I really heart Rachel and the amazing empire she has built, so to say I was excited to see the email in my inbox from one of her editors would be an understatement (I may or may not have squealed upon opening it).

We are beyond excited to be included in the latest Zoe Report that came out yesterday.  It's a special Great Gatsby Wedding edition!  Our cake from the My Modern Clementine shoot was selected to be included!  Thank you very much Pinterest for being invented and being our connecting force!

I. Die.


O.M.G.  It's so maj.  :)

Oh and by the way - if you aren't signed up for the Zoe Report you should go do it now.  Not kidding.  Go...like right now!  Click here!

Happy Weekend!

Kasey & The Bliss Girls

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